Employer Partnerships

Foster the Future

Establishing key relationships is vital to any measurement of success. The Career Center at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) understands the importance of cultivating a strategic presence in order to build those relationships.

From developing brand recognition to showcasing industry leadership, our team can help promote your initiatives and build your brand on campus. With Foster the Future , our Employer Partnership Program, it provides you with fit-for-purpose options tailored to your needs. 

What is the value of being a Partner of the Career Center?
By becoming an employer partner of Foster the Future, your organization can have a direct effect in cultivating a sustainable cycle of talent for the future that will benefit your organization through intentional branding and engagement with CSUF students and alumni.

What do the levels of Partnership include?
Foster the Future consists of three levels of partnership that include compelling benefits, engagement, and branding opportunities. An overview of each of the three levels is shown below. All levels include a customized recruitment strategy consultation to meet your specific hiring needs.

Why should your organization become a Partner?
The return on investment (ROI) would outweigh the nominal costs of an effective partnership that provides tailored and customized services to best showcase your organization and attract the large pool of talent that CSUF has to offer.

Contact Stephanie Reyes, Senior Associate Director at (657) 278–2244 or sreyes@repossedcars.net to acquire additional details about Foster the Future  and choosing a partnership level to best establish your company’s presence at CSUF.



 $1,800 (Hybrid) Non-Profit Partnership


Career Fairs *Per Academic Year (can be switched out for customized events)


Email Blasts * Per Academic Year


Customized Events *Per Academic Year (i.e. information session, workshop, tabling, etc.)


Social media highlights (IG live, IG Takeover, IG Posts)


Digital Career Guide Ad
  Partner Recognition on Career Center Website + additional email promotion during virtual career fair participation
  Partner highlight in Fall and Spring Calendars

***Additional services (information sessions, email blasts, social media branding) above alloted amount will be charged an a la carte fee


$2,500 (Hybrid) Silver Partnership


Career Fairs * Per Academic Year (fairs can be substituted for an additional info session or tabling session)


Email Blasts * Per Academic Year


Customized Events * Per Academic Year (i.e. information session, workshop, tabling, etc.)


Social media highlights (IG live, IG Takeover, IG Posts)



Digital Career Guide Ad
  Partner Recognition on Career Center Website + additional email promotion during virtual career fair participation
  Partner highlight in Fall and Spring Calendars


$5,000 (Hybrid) Gold Partnership


Career Fairs (fairs can be substituted for an additional info session or tabling session)


Email Blasts


Customized Events (i.e. information session, workshop, tabling, etc.)


Tabling Sessions


Digital Career Guide Ad


Social media highlights (IG live, IG Takeover, IG Posts)
  Partner Recognition on Career Center Website + additional email promotion during virtual career fair participation
  Partner highlight in Fall and Spring Calendars


Spotlight Recruiting Package - $1200 (semester based)


Customized Event


Information Session


Email job/internship/event blasts


Social media highlights (IG live, IG Takeover, IG Posts)
  Recognition as Spotlight Recruiting Organization on Career Center Website and Workshop Calendar


*Benefits are only valid for the time frame of the given partnership year and may not be rolled over to future partnership years.